Righteous Invasion of Truth (R.I.O.T) gladly brings ‘Men of Valor’, its
first men’s conference in Dar es Salaam. M.O.V. is an interactive platform,
reaching out to men across different ethnic groups, socioeconomic and
religious backgrounds to restore, transform, equip and edify the man
Men have a natural tendency of internalizing issues. When you ask a man
what he is thinking when things are up to his neck, without a glance, he’ll
instinctively say, “Nothing”. Men do cry, but their tears are only visible from
the inside. That’s why God had to say, “It is not good for a man to be alone”.
As much as studies show that women are twice as much susceptible to depression,
surprisingly the male-to-female ratio for completed suicides is greater than
When in this state where the internalization of things has reached its
limit, men tend to shift the blame for how they feel on the inside to outside
things. We exhibit anger or irritability over everything. Men are more prone to
using alcohol or drugs as an outlet. As if this isn’t enough, the male infant
has a higher mortality rate than the female. Let alone the fact that the woman
has a higher life expectancy rate.
To those that have overcome these obstacles, there is still no rest for
them. The enemy has strategically planned to emasculate the ‘man’ figure from
marriage, family and even the society at large. The ‘man’ as an authority
figure is being undermined from his God-given position bestowed upon him from
Genesis by God Himself.
How can men prevail this ongoing fierce battle? If only we could
learn the greatest ‘Art of War’ – PRAISE! You might be the least in your
father’s house or perhaps you are coming from the poorest family in your clan,
but I clearly hear the Commander-in-Chief of the Army of The Lord saying this
to you: “Jehovah is with you, Mighty Man of Valor”!
The Event will be conducted at Makumbusho Hall near
Institute of Finance(IFM)
From 19th-25/Nov/2012
Time:5;30Pm - 8:30Pm
We welcome you all Men and Women!